2025 Annual Meeting Announcement

Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Pre-registration by March 3, 2025, is required

The Board of Directors of Ontario Shores Federal Credit Union issues the following notice to our membership regarding the 2025 Annual Meeting Elections and Voting.

Our Annual Meeting will be held at the Newfane Town Hall, 2737 Main St., Newfane, NY 14108 on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at 6:00 pm. Please note you must pre-register to attend the Annual Meeting whether you plan to attend the meeting in person or virtually. 

Registration is required by March 3, 2025.  To register, email us at service@osfcu.com, or call us at 716-778-7423.  Upon registering, you will receive an email containing information regarding the meeting. When you register, please indicate whether you will be attending the meeting in person or virtually.   

There are two positions open on the Board of Directors. All positions are elected for 3-year terms. The Nominating Committee has nominated incumbents Daniel Johnson and Mark Ruppert for the expiring terms. A brief statement of qualifications and biographical data for each nominee is included.  Each nominee has certified that he or she is agreeable to nomination and will serve if elected to office.


Additional nominations may also be made by petition. Please contact either the Newfane or Medina Office of OSFCU for the forms necessary to nominate a candidate. Each petition must contain a minimum of 105 OSFCU member signatures and must be accompanied by the candidate’s biography and qualifications. Each nominee must certify in writing that he or she is agreeable to the nomination and will serve if elected to office.

All nominating petitions must be postmarked and received by the Nominating Committee no later than February 6, 2025, at: Ontario Shores FCU, Attn: Nominating Committee, P.O. Box 9, Newfane, NY 14108-0009

Voting will take place during the Annual Meeting. The minimum voting age is 18 years.

Please note: If the number of candidates does not exceed positions, voting will not be necessary.

Voting at the Annual Meeting (if necessary):
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Meeting starts at 6:00 pm

Daniel Johnson

  • Has been a member of OSFCU for over 38 years.
  • A resident of the Town of Cambria where I live with my wife and two sons, aged 23 and 24. 
  • All of us have accounts with OSFCU.
  • Completed undergraduate work at Florida Southern College and earned two graduate degrees at Niagara University.
  • Proudly served as High School Principal at Wilson High School from 1997 until retirement in June 2019.
  • Prior to becoming Principal, I enjoyed teaching 7th grade social studies and coaching baseball/football at WCS.
  • I enjoy swimming, biking, hiking, and visiting amusement parks with family.
  • Would welcome an opportunity to continue serving on the OSFCU Board of Directors.

Mark Ruppert

  • Retired as CEO of Ontario Shores FCU in 2021 after 34 years of service.
  • Since 1987 guided OSFCU from a $5 million credit union to a $140 million. 
  • Maintained financial strength and stability of OSFCU through periods of economic turbulence and Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Served on New York State Credit Union Council, Niagara District.
  • Served on Recreation Committee, Town of Pendleton.
  • Served as Treasurer, Mount Olive Lutheran Church.
  • Reside in Pendleton with spouse of 39 years, Anne.
  • Proud parents of two grown/married sons, and of our first grandson!
  • Enjoy golfing, baseball, hockey and mowing my lawn.


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