Not Just Any Other Auto Loan
New college grads have it tough these days. Not only did students spend the last several months earning their degree in a pandemic, but the job market is nothing if not volatile. Fortunately, there’s light at the end of the tunnel and a lot of folks are getting a start in the careers they love.
If you’ve just graduated with a new job in your field, we want to celebrate with you! Class of 2021 graduates with direct deposit at OSFCU may qualify for a low-interest auto loan without a co-signer. See if you qualify today. Consider it our way of saying congrats! We believe in you!

Graduate From Your “Student” Car
If you’re looking for a car that suits your new profession, Ontario Shores FCU can help you make a better impression. We offer great rates as low as 1.25% APR*, along with flexible terms for both new and used autos! Remote closings are available, and walk-ins are welcome!
Newfane Office: (716) 778-7423
Medina Office: (585) 798-2136
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