Loan TypeMaximum TermAPR as low as*
New/Used AutoUp to 36 months5.50%*
37 - 60 months5.70%*
61 - 84 months6.10%*
85 - 120 months6.90%*
RV New/UsedUp to 36 months6.70%*
37 - 72 months7.20%*
73 - 180 months8.15%*
PersonalUp to 60 months11.10%*
Share Secured5 Years3.75%*
Visa Credit Card Classic$4,999 limit11.90%*
Visa Credit Card Platinum$5,000 minimum9.90%*
Home Equity Fixed5 Years - Up to 80% LTV16.50%*
10 Years - Up to 80% LTV17.20%*
15 Years - Up to 80% LTV17.40%*
Home Equity Fixed5 Years - Up to 90% LTV17.05%*
10 Years - Up to 90% LTV17.50%*
15 Years - Up to 90% LTV18.20%*
Home Equity Line Of Credit (HELOC)15 years7.50%* Variable
Fixed Rate MortgageFirst Mortgages, Purchase or Refinance, Fixed or Adjustable RatesCall for rates and terms

* Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Rates and loan terms are determined based on applicant’s past credit history will vary based on credit score. Financing available to qualified borrowers. Terms and conditions subject to credit union approval. Rates do not apply to refinance of an existing loan with Ontario Shores FCU. Rates subject to change without notice. Membership subject to eligibility. Rates reflect all relationship discounts.  Other terms available.
LTV – Loan to value – Percentage of appraised value less outstanding lien balance(s).

Account TypeMinimum BalanceTermRateAPY**
Share (savings)$5.00N/A0.25%0.25%**
Share Draft (checking)N/AN/A0.05%0.05%**
Money Market$2,500 - $9,999N/A0.50%0.50%**
Money Market$10,000 - $24,999N/A0.75%0.75%**
Money Market> $25,000N/A1.00%**1.01%**
IRA Share$5.00N/A1.00%1.01%**
Share Certificates & IRA Certificates*$1,000 6 months3.20%3.25%**
Share Certificates & IRA Certificates*$1,000 12 months3.93%4.00%**
Share Certificate Special*$1,00015 months4.17%4.25%**
Share Certificates & IRA Certificates*$1,000 24 months3.69%3.75%**
Share Certificates & IRA Certificates*$1,000 36 months3.69%3.75%**
Share Certificates & IRA Certificates*$1,000 48 months3.20%3.25%**

** Annual Percentage Yield (APY)
Early withdrawal penalties may apply. Tax penalties may occur on IRA early withdrawals.